County Settlement Covenant

(My County) County


Preamble developed by individual county

see Appendix F for Ohio example




COME NOW, Inhabitants of (My County) County by



And with absolute resolve rebut all corporate authority!


County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County

Original Assembly and Library of Records on date:



Gives this County Settlement Announcement



(My County) County Settlement Covenant,

and in harmony with all eighty three counties we FIND:


Article One

By ALMIGHTY God granting us FREEDOM:  By unanimous decree the Local people(s) in Local Peaceable Lawful Assembly; in Settlement Covenant in My State, a Free and Independent state, a member with other Free and Independent States also known as Republic for the united States of America, set forth the following affirmations.


Section 1 - Local-people in Family of Man and Woman centered in ALMIGHTY God live on Local-land and use Way-land in People Jurisdiction in Grace affirmed by the authority of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, Cir. 1776 and Bill of Rights  Articles, the 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th c.1787-1791-r2010 and beyond; beyond the reach of predator others; and also living in Friend(ship) and in Peace Treaty(s) c.1789-1791 and beyond; beyond the reach of predator others; and also affirmed by Article VII, General Provisions, Section 18, c. 1908, My State Constitution and the Covenant of My State, a Free and Independent state, circa 2010.


NOW Local-people by Local-common-consent do name, affirm, ordain, establish and continue Local Settlement Covenant in (My County) County and other County Settlements and Covenant of My State, a Free and Independent state and Nation America Settlement as their absolute Accumulated Legacy prepaid with blood taken from Family of Man and Woman centered in ALMIGHTY God who came before and granted Local-people ALMIGHTY FREEDOM;


Section 2 - Local County Settlement Covenant  in (My County) County, affirms natural inherent rights, one with the Spirit of Man, as the absolute dominion belonging to each man and woman; Local-people in Family of Man, living in Grace on Local-land in Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County in People Jurisdiction affirmed by the authority of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, Cir. 1776 and Bill of Rights  Articles, the, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th c.1787-1791-2010 and beyond; and Friend(ship) in Peace.


Section 3 - Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County, one with the Spirit of Man, is the free exercise of all natural inherent rights; which is unlimited in scope and is our lawful inheritance to be defended and protected from abuse by all means:

a)         Free Spirit, Free will with Free choice is originally one with the Spirit of Man and by-blood cause slavery of any kind is an abomination to all natural inherent rights.  Each man and woman, Local people, living on Local land in People Jurisdiction reject slavery in any form and we reject legal-fiction-oxy-morons and libel of any kind including “ex-felon” status-quo by-cause of cruel and unusual punishment.

b)        Personal empowerment, prosperity and responsibility of Family of Man and Woman remain one with the Spirit of Man and by cause, personal empowerment, prosperity and personal responsibility of family continue beyond the reach of bogus barriers or restrictions erected by State agency agents and predator others.


Section 4 - Subject to existing and prior rights, land in Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County uses the survey track, Metes and Bounds as boundary for (My County) County and as soon as practical be defined and recorded in the county Records Library.


Article Two

Section 1 - Settlement in (My County) County is fundamental local law in sustaining the free exercise of right of men, women, and families in Grace to exercise, defend and protect their property, their liberty, their prosperity, their posterity, their inheritance, and their existing political rights from abuse by evil intent by public or private persons or predator others who would invade, attack, attach, steal, pillage, plunder, divert, redistribute or spoil any part of their pre-paid Absolute Accumulated Legacy.


Article Three

Section 1 - Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County endows, authorizes and establishes limited and Peaceful Lawful Assembly(s) open to each and every man and woman, local people living in Grace on Local-land without exception, to freely provide responses in a lawful manner on all issues related to their Rights and Liberties.  Local-common-law-action requires an injured-party-Originator.

a)         Proper use of Peaceful Lawful Assembly is essential to the free-exercise of all rights

b)        Local Settlement in (My County) County Settlement endows-authorizes Peaceful Lawful Assembly(s) limited by simple, understandable rules and procedures consistent to Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County.

c)         Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County authorizes Peaceful Lawful Assembly(s) of limited duration by cause of Originator and each and every Assembly is dissolved after service of lawful purpose.

d)        Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County authorizes a Library of Records and selection of Moderator and Recording Secretary, from among the first 13 or more witnesses to arrive and volunteer to perform the functions necessary to create accurate records.

e)         Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County directs any truthful documents of abuse to Rights and Liberties as witnessed by Local Peaceable Lawful People Assembled shall be entrusted to local Justice-Court or under rules of distributive justice invoking full Witness Protection.




Article Four

Section 1 - Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County Settlement establishes limited de jure Grand Jury from Local-Assembly(s), open to each and every man and woman, local people living in Grace on the land, after workshop training without exception, to freely provide their response in a lawful manner on all issues related to their Rights and Liberties including the use of SUBPOENA and SUMMONS for TRUTH; and the use of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law in construction and presentation of findings or presentments as Findings of Truth and/or other documents. This de jure Grand Jury is endowed with the authority to deliberate and issue a "No Bill" if insufficient evidence exists and a "True Bill" when sufficient evidence exists and to deliver these presentments to proper judicial authority for further action;

a)         Proper use of instance-matter specific de jure Grand Jury in Local-Assembly(s) is essential to the free-exercise of all rights; Runaway-Grand-Jury-witch-hunts prohibited.

b)        Common-law-action requires an injured-party-Originator/Claimant under full disclosure of affidavit and bond.

c)         Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County authorizes 12 Members and 1 Alternate Members to form a lawful de jure Grand Jury from the local jural assembly representing a cross-section of ages, occupations, and peoples living in Grace on the land and willing to serve in jurisdictions using Article 9 c.1791 in Peace and Friendship, not limited by bogus barriers erected by de facto County or State of My State.  

d)        Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County authorizes selection of Moderator acting/signing “as Foreman” and/or Forewoman” and Clerk(s) for tallying minutes, recording/filing correspondence etc. rather than [Court Clerk/Court Recorder]  or bring these legal fictions from sea onto land.  [Brackets are used to keep us safe from warring foreign alien invaders bound under war-bond or otherwise]

e)         Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County authorizes Local Peaceful Assembly in Council for the Special-Law-use of direct presentment of Notice-information, Warrants or Orders under de jure operation of Law; to the specific Chief Justice liable and responsible for the actions of Judges and courts within the respective Chief Justice jurisdiction; or for direct presentment to the de-jure or de-facto U.S. Supreme Court with respect to Constitution and Treaties. “No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.” 16 American Jurisprudence, 2d, See 177 late 2d; 256; Norton vs. Shelby; the complete-version of Arizona vs. Miranda; Lopez Decision, and; Douglas vs. Seacoast Products. These cites are for information and education of the truth that the De facto Judicial system ignores or avoids.   


Article Five

Section 1 - Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County authorizes-establishes Original Peaceful Lawful Assembly for the writing and the publishing of,

a)         Rules and Procedures for the Peaceful Lawful Assembly(s),

b)        Rules and Procedures for Local Jural Assembly meetings,

c)         Rules and Procedures for the de jure Grand Jury convening, in compliance with Article Five of the Bill of Rights to decide issues brought before it by We THE People of (My County) County and with knowledge of 38A C.J.S. § 9, ... There cannot be a grand jury de facto when there is a grand jury de jure. [People v. Brautigan, 142 N.E. 208, 310 Ill. 472, cited             for information and education only.]

d)        Rules and Procedures for the Council using Local Peaceful Assembly in Council,

e)         Glossary or Dictionary for Remedial-Speech-Therapy of terms and phrases used,

f)         Maintenance of Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County Library(s) of Local Assembly(s) to hold and keep safe Local Covenant of (My County) County Records, Official  Records of Acts and actions performed by Original Peaceful Lawful Assembly, Peaceful Lawful Assembly, Local Grand Jury Assembly, Local Peaceful Assembly in Council and other related documents.

Section 2 - Local County Settlement Covenant in (My County) County directs Original Peaceful Lawful Assembly to execute, witness and officially record the true tally of ratification freely given by men and women in Grace living on land in (My County) County and other places on land who consented in Original Peaceful Lawful Assembly for the ratification or consented to Open Witnessed Absentee Ratification proxies.


Article Six

We the people in public assembly, with intent to restore lawful government and lawful courts in (My County) County, do hereby restore common law courts and de jure government by lawful notice. No lawful courts are currently being exercised, and the courts and process imposed upon the people in (My County) County are based in despotic foreign civil law, being a sham, we therefore claim our position of the lawful keepers of the public trust implied by our position as tacit procurator, and by the expressed intent through delegation of authority by the signatories hereto.


Article Seven

We, the undersigned declare that we inhabit the area described as (My County) County, that we are Peaceful People and have always been, and rebut any presumption of subjugation.  We declare that we own the land of (My County) County with such exceptions as are privately held by men and women living on the land, and that we own the water and minerals under the land to the center of the earth, the water, vegetation, living creatures, non-living material and structures on the land, and the air above the land to the outer most edge of the universe, with such exceptions as are privately held by people in the county, and that we declare our rights as a rebuttal to the claims of any corporate entity and/or foreign person.


Article Eight

This County Settlement Agreement hereby establishes a County Jural Assembly for the benefit and purposes of We THE People.  Such Assembly is open to all the inhabitants of the county who choose to remove themselves from fourteenth amendment citizenship status and return to being free men and women on the land. They may become electors and jury pool members for the de jure grand juries both state and federal level to provide due process of law and equal protection under common law for all people.  The juries and all other lawful process accepted are to provide remedies for injured parties in loss of property, rights or liberty. The people in assembly shall provide a venue and a forum to convene court, to decide structure of offices and the function of administrative personnel, and to discuss other business concerning the grand and petit juries. Calling to order, form of assembly, maintenance of records, and other business of the people are further delineated below.


Article Nine

We, the people do hereby affirm and establish our lawful right to appoint or elect our Delegate to be sent to the House of Delegates legislative body for (My State), a Free and Independent state. We will interact with the other counties designated in accordance with the Covenant for (My State), a Free and Independent state, as a region to elect a Statesman to be sent to the House of Statesman to represent the designated region.


A free man or woman living on the county shall be appointed or elected as a Delegate to (My State), a Free and Independent state, House of Delegates.


A free man or woman living in the designated region shall be elected as Statesman to be seated in the House of Statesman. To freely provide for any and all responses in a lawful manner on all issues that may pertain to business concerning the County, to wit:


Section 1 - There shall be established a limit of one (1) lawful Delegate, for the purpose of providing hearings and responses in a lawful manner on all issues related to decision making and communications between the local county level and the (My State), a Free and Independent state, governance.


The Delegate shall be selected from free men and women, inhabiting the county, to be appointed as Delegate to provide the response(s) of the people in County Jural Assembly to (My State), a Free and Independent state and to the National level, in a lawful manner on all issues regarding the safety and welfare of the people. The Delegate is essential to the free-exercise of duties and decision-making processes, including but not limited to communications and interactions between the local county and the (My State), a Free and Independent state, levels; and by and between the local levels to the national level, in order to maintain proper and comprehensive maintenance and implementation of the people’s lawful business.


Section 2 - There shall be established a limit of one (1) lawful Statesman representing a region as designated by numbered counties. The Statesman will represent the people within the region in the House of Statesman for the purpose of providing hearings and responses in a lawful manner on all issues related to decision making and communications between the local county level and (My State), a Free and Independent state, governance. The Statesman shall be selected from free men and women, inhabiting the counties in the region, to be represented and to provide the response(s) of the people in the County Jural Assemblies to (My State), a Free and Independent state, and the National level, in a lawful manner on all issues regarding the safety and welfare of the people. The Statesman is essential to the free-exercise of duties and decision-making processes, including but not limited to communications and interactions between the local county and the (My State), a Free and Independent state, level; and by and between the local levels to the national level, in order to maintain proper and comprehensive maintenance and implementation of the people’s lawful business.


Section 3 - Any seated office holder(s) can request from the Library of Records a County Jural Assembly rulebook and convene a County Grand Jury as the originator. The procedure for such an assembly shall be the same as provided for in Article Seven of the Covenant of (My State), a Free and Independent state, Article VII, Grand and Petit Juries.


Article Ten

We THE People recognize the necessity of establishing an Office that shall provide for the defense of the People’s Rights, Land and Law in the County.


Said office shall be titled Office of Sheriff of (My County) County.  The title of Sheriff shall be conferred upon the individual who is elected by majority vote of the electors of the County Jural Assembly, to hold such office for a period of time to be three years.  Issues as to the methods of operation, structure, duties, method of management and all other pertinent and appropriate issues pertaining to the establishment, maintenance and function of such office and the office holder shall be determined by a committee created for such purpose. Upon the submission of the final report of recommendations by said committee, the County Jural Assembly shall discuss, modify if required, and vote, adopt and enter it into the county records to create and implement the Office of Sheriff as called for by this article.


Article Eleven

We THE People by these articles establish county offices to administer the affairs of the people in common.  Such offices are empowered with certain delegated limited power(s) as the people deem just for the maintenance and function of county administration.  The following is a limited and initial outline of the structure of such offices, and shall be further detailed and expanded upon by a select committee formed for such purpose, and upon the submission of the final report of recommendations, the County Settlement Assembly shall discuss, modify if required, adopt such recommendations and enter it into the county records to create and implement the Offices of County Administration as called for by this article. The following list comprises the initial offices to be filled by proper election by qualified electors of this County Settlement Assembly:


1.         Township Supervisor (1 per township in the county)

2.         County Sheriff (1)

3.         County Chief Justice (1)

4.         Chief Justice of the Peace (1)

5.         Township Justice of the Peace (usually four (4) per township)

6.         County Library of Records Secretary (1)

7.         County Recording Clerk (1)

8.         County Land Records/Title/Abstract Clerk (1)

9.         County Treasurer/Comptroller (1)

10.       County Grand Jury Foreman (1)

11.       County Notary (1)


Further offices to be created and filled shall be identified by the above referenced committee as from time to time are required to properly fulfill and maintain proper administration of the people’s requirements for governance in County Settlement Assembly.


No member of the legal industry is qualified to hold any office designated and established for the administration of county business. The exception to this is for a legal industry member to surrender their BAR membership and be out of the legal industry for fifteen years and pass a constitutional exam as required by the Covenant of (My State), a Free and Independent state.


Article Twelve

This covenant shall become lawfully established upon the unanimous acceptance and ratification of the living men and women, gathered in County Settlement Assembly, who have convened to review, accept and ratify by the placement of their hands (autographs) as provided for below. 


After acceptance of this covenant any and all addendums that the people see fit to make to this covenant shall be drawn up and presented to the County Settlement Assembly body of electors of this county as may from time to time be deemed necessary and appropriate. The passage and inclusion of any addendum to this covenant agreement shall be by a minimum of three fourths vote of all qualified electors of the body of this County Settlement Assembly. All articles in this covenant shall remain intact and all addendums shall be made as attachments so a complete and continuous record will be maintained.


Article Thirteen

In Witness Whereof, We the people of (My County) County Settlement, in conjoined action with all other lawfully established county settlements in My County, a Free and Independent state,  and in accord and express trust with the confederated union of the Republic for the united States of America, in the presence of our Creator who has so endowed us with the authority to enact as we have herein do declare by our autographs as evidence of our living substance and as set forth below, this County Settlement Covenant for the people assembled on the free, dry soil of (My County) County in  (My State), a Free and Independent state.


This County Settlement Covenant of, by, and for the people of the (My County) County shall be open for continuing acceptance by all men and women who ratify of their own free will and volition, and who place their Autographs onto a copy of same and have such placed, along with their Declaration of Sovereign Rights in Inherent and Indigenous Power, into the Library of Records as provided for herein.


Autographs and Seals


We the people lawfully convened on the day set forth below, do hereby mark our autographs and ratify these Articles of Establishment of the (My County) County Settlement Covenant. We stand on the authority as set forth above and by our individual Declarations of Sovereign Rights Held in Indigenous Powers executed by our Autographs and Seals.  We do hereby ratify this covenant in the presence of our Creator, Almighty God, with whom all glory and power does reside and to whom we humbly present this covenant for His supreme ratification and ask for the blessings that flow forth from His Divine Providence to guide, nurture and protect the undertakings of this lawful assembly and our countrymen.  These undertakings have been established, certified and confirmed on the Land so that current and future generations will enjoy the fruits of their labor and the bounty of the land uninhibited and unbound, so that all in this One Nation Assembled and together with all nations conjoined in the family of Man shall abide in such as the abundance of the Divine Hand shall bless us with now and forever.


Confirmed by (My State), a Free and Independent state, office holders:



                                                                                       (Printed Appellation: First, Middle, Last)


                                     Chief Trustee=Governor:

                                                                                                     (Absolute autograph)



                                                                                       (Printed Appellation: First, Middle, Last)


                       Chief Justice of Supreme Court:

                                                                                                     (Absolute autograph)



                                                                                       (Printed Appellation: First, Middle, Last)


County Grand Jury=Jural Assembly Foreman:

                               (Moderator)                                                   (Absolute autograph)



                                                                                       (Printed Appellation: First, Middle, Last)


                           County Recording Secretary:

                                                                                                     (Absolute autograph)


 General Assembly Ratification Autographs and Seals


Witnessed and Autographed in Peace centered with ALMIGHTY GOD, Lawfully certified original below by local men and women On the Land of (My County) County, (My State), a Free and Independent state:           













































All addendum pages after this page have to=shall be hand numbered.